Williams aduce un update aerodinamic la Spa

Publicat marţi, 25.08.2009 10:26 de Daniel Popescu

Williams a confirmat ca va introduce un nou update aerodinamic pentru monopostul FW31 pentru a mentine gradul de competitivitate al echipei in Marele Premiu al Belgiei.

Via | Williams

  • michelle_b, marţi, 25.08.2009 10:38

    Williams F1 [prin fundatia caritabila pe care au fondat-o acum citeva zile: http://www.f1network.net/boards/read/s107.htm?110,10782583,10782609,quote=1] are un nou parteneriat "The Williams Formula One team will carry two new on-car logos for the rest of the 2009 season. The team, which is sponsored by Angolan company Ridge Solutions, will carry the logo for the 2010 Africa Cup of Nations, to be held in Angola in January. The tournament's COCAN2010 logo will appear on the car's rear wing."